- 2000
- Preotle, Lane & Associates ("PLA") is selected by the MVDC as the project's master developer and enters into a development agreement with the MVDC. Photo shows River's Edge site facing north in 2000 before development.
- The MVDC and PLA agree that the first phase will be constructed in Medford. Project size is increased to 442,000 square feet.
- The project is designated as a Showcase Community by the National Brownfields Partnership, a partnership between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers.
- The MVDC acquires the first of 18 parcels for the Medford Phase I Site.
- 2003
- Mass Highway under the supervision of the MRA begins the reconstruction of River’s Edge Drive—then known as Corporation Way.
- PLA provides financing to enable the MVDC to complete the acquisition of the remaining parcels for the Medford Phase.
- 2004
- PLA and the MVDC change the project’s name to River’s Edge.
- The MVDC acquires the 18th and final parcel for the Medford Phase. The Phase I site is now fully assembled.
- PLA and the MVDC receive a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers allowing the filling of a low quality 69,000 sq. ft. wetland while requiring creation or restoration of wetlands of comparable size elsewhere on the site.
- 2005
- PLA and the MVDC receive Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency (“MEPA”) approval to construct a boathouse in the planned river park.
- PLA and Tufts University enter into a ground lease providing for Tufts to construct a boathouse for its crew teams; Tufts begins construction of the boathouse.
- PLA with input from the Citizens Advisory Board saves the willow tree just south of the Tufts Boat House.
- PLA begins construction of the Park as designed by Shadley Associates, the project’s landscape architect.
- Mass Highway completes construction of River’s Edge Drive.
- 2006
- Construction of the Tufts Boat House is completed.
- PLA receives its DEP Waterways (Chapter 91) License.
- PLA receives MEPA approval to add 200 units of housing to the project.
- The cities of Everett, Malden and Medford approve an amended Master Plan which, among other modifications, broadens project zoning to include housing.
- 2007
- Tufts University hosts its first regatta on the Malden River from its new boathouse.
- The Tufts Crew Program receives a major gift from David Shoemaker, and the Boat House is named the William A. Shoemaker Boat House in honor of his late father.
- PLA completes removal of a 270-foot by 40-foot, 100-ton, abandoned barge imbedded in the riverbank in the southeast quadrant of the property.
- 2008
- The MVDC relocates the last existing tenant from the site.
PLA demolishes the last of the original structures on the site.
- PLA acquires the Medford parcel of 30 acres from the MVDC.
- PLA transfers approximately 3.7 acres to Criterion Development Partners, which begins construction of 100 River’s Edge Drive.
PLA begins construction of 200 River's Edge Drive.
- The Boston Society of Landscape Architects recognizes Shadley Associates and River’s Edge with an Honor Design Award.
- The Environmental Business Council of New England names River’s Edge its Brownfield Project of the Year (acknowledging consultants Tetra Tech, Nangle Associates, and Haley & Aldrich).
- PLA completes the Park, including creation of approximately 1.5 acres of wetlands and the necessary environmental remediation, and the Park officially opens.
- 2009
- The EPA designates River’s Edge a “Brownfield Success Story.”
- PLA completes construction of 200 River’s Edge Drive. The River Cafe opens.
- The first tenant, Marriott International, occupies space at 200 River’s Edge Drive.
- Criterion completes construction of 100 River’s Edge Drive.
- 2010
- 200 River’s Edge Drive receives a Gold LEED Certification (Core and Shell).
- The Malden Redevelopment Authority receives the Agency Award of Excellence for its work on River’s Edge from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.
- The Massachusetts Mayors Association holds its annual meeting at the Shoemaker Boat House at River’s Edge.
- 100 River’s Edge Drive achieves full occupancy.
- 2011
- Criterion sells 100 River’s Edge Drive to TIAA CREF.
- River’s Edge is featured in a presentation before the Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists Annual Conference on “The Massachusetts Rivers Protection Act: a 15-year Retrospective.”
- 2012
- River’s Edge receives Green Award from the Mayor of Medford, the Medford Energy Committee and the Medford Chamber of Commerce.
PLA and the MVDC complete improvements and an addition to the Wellington Greenway with funding from the Massachusetts Environmental Trust and PLA. The Greenway now extends from Station Landing to the Wellington MBTA Station.
- 2013
- PLA hosts the First Annual Champions Breakfast, a major fundraising event for corporate sponsors of the Mystic River Watershed Association.
- PLA receives MEPA approval to develop up to 282 units of luxury housing, approximately 20,000 square feet of restaurant and retail and approximately 1,000 spaces of structured parking in the project’s surface parking lot (the “150 Project.”). Project size, excluding structured parking, now exceeds 1,000,000 square feet.
- 200 River’s Edge Drive achieves 100% leasing with the addition of Management Sciences for Health.
- 2014
- PLA receives site plan approval from the MVDC to develop the 150 Project (282 units of luxury housing, approximately 20,000 square feet of restaurant and retail,and approximately 1,000 spaces of structured parking in the project’s surface parking lot).
- The first Mayor’s Cup Crew Race between Malden and Medford High Schools is held at River’s Edge.
PLA, Tufts University and the Tri-City Community Action Program host the Fifth Malden River Festival. The 2014 event is highlighted by a Dragon Boat Regatta. Over 5,000 people attend.
- The Park at River’s Edge and Shadley Associates are featured in Landscape Architect and Specifier News in an article entitled “Transformational Remediation, The Park at River’s Edge.”
- PLA enters into an agreement with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to construct an approximate 10,000-square foot wetland at the northeastern corner of the River’s Edge site, which MASSDOT will use as compensation for wetlands it is disturbing during the reconstruction of the nearby Woods Memorial Bridge.
- 2015
- A fundraising reception for the Krystle Campbell Peace Garden in Medford is held at River’s Edge.
- PLA and Tufts University host the first annual Learn to Row Day at River’s Edge at which River’s Edge tenants, residents and friends are taught rowing by Tufts rowers and coaches.
PLA transfers the 5.6-acre surface parking lot to Criterion, which begins construction of the 150 Project (282 luxury housing units, 20,000 square feet of restaurant/retail, and 1,000 spaces of structured parking). PLA acquires condominium interests in the restaurant/retail and the central parking garage (the "Central Garage").
- 2016
- John Hancock Realty acquires 100 River’s Edge Drive from TIAA CREF.
- The Central Garage opens.
- PLA completes the 10,000-square foot wetland under the contract with MASSDOT.
- The first apartments in Phase I of 150 become available, are leased, and occupied.
- 2017
- River’s Edge receives its second Green Award from the Mayor of Medford and the Medford Energy Committee.
- PLA begins construction of 400 River's Edge Drive.
- Criterion completes construction of 150 River’s Edge Drive.
- Agero signs a full-building lease for 400 River’s Edge Drive.
- 2018
- 150 River’s Edge Drive achieves full occupancy.
- The EPA’s New England Office of Site Remediation and Restoration holds its annual retreat at River’s Edge.
- Criterion sells its interest in 150 River’s Edge Drive to AIG, its financial partner in 150.
- 2019
- freerange market and cafe opens at 325 River’s Edge Drive.
- Scene filmed at River’s Edge for upcoming Apple TV miniseries, “Defending Jacob.” The show stars Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America in “Captain America),” Michelle Dockery (Lady Mary Crawley in “Downton Abbey”), and is directed by Morton Tyldum, Oscar-nominated Best Director for “Imitation Game.”
- The Porch, a southern fare BBQ restaurant, opens at 175 River’s Edge Drive and shortly thereafter is recognized by Boston Magazine as one of Boston’s 10 hottest restaurants.
PLA completes construction of 400 River's Edge Drive.
- Agero and affiliates, The Cross Country Group and Financial Recovery Technologies, occupy all the space in 400 River’s Edge Drive.
- 2020
- 400 River’s Edge Drive receives Gold LEED Certification.
- 2021
- 400 River’s Edge Drive is acquired from PLA by an affiliate of Agero pursuant to an option in its lease.
- Tufts hosts the Men’s and Women’s New England Small College Athletic Conference Rowing Championships, Eastern Regionals and Finals at River’s Edge. Tufts Men Place third in Finals after winning Eastern Regional.
- 2023
- Freerange Market becomes a major donation center for goods to aid the earthquake victims in Turkey. The Turkish Ambassador to the United States visits River’s Edge to thank the many volunteers.
- The Resilient Mystic Collaborative, which was founded by the Mystic River Watershed Association and includes representatives from the 21 communities that are part of the Watershed, meets at River’s Edge — the group’s first in-person meeting since COVID.
- Pacific Urban Investors acquires 100 River’s Edge Drive from John Hancock Realty and rebrands the property Arcadia at River’s Edge.
- Agero, a tenant in 400 River’s Edge Drive, celebrates 50 years in business.
- 2024
- PLA enters into a long term lease with Nazar Market, which acquires certain assets from and replaces freerange market at 325 River’s Edge Drive. The lease with Nazar includes the previously vacant retail space.
- PLA receives general development plan and site plan approval from the MVDC to develop the 600 Building (up to 225 units of luxury housing with a minimum of 180 spaces of structured parking on the site programmed for a parking structure south of the Athletic Field.)
- Tufts Women Rowers win the 2024 National Championship for the first time in program history.
- PLA enters into a long-term lease at 175 River’s Edge Drive with The Establishment, a contemporary American restaurant, which replaces The Porch.

In the late 90s, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the cities of Malden, Medford and Everett formed The Mystic Valley Development Commission (“MVDC”) to redevelop three adjoining brownfields sites in the three cities as a telecommunications park (“TeleCom City). The Malden Redevelopment Authority (“MRA”) is selected as the MVDC’s agent to oversee this transit oriented development (“TOD”).
The MVDC created the Malden River Task Force and the Citizens Advisory Board (“CAB”) consisting of citizens of the three communities to provide design and other input for the project. Below are the key milestones that have followed.